Boku no Seku Hara: Manager Honma’s Unprecedented Work

Boku no Seku Hara: Manager Honma’s Unprecedented Work

The sign on the door read “Murder Inc.,” but the atmosphere inside was anything but sinister. The creative agency was renowned for its edgy campaigns and out-of-the-box thinking, led by none other than Kazunori Honma, the spirited manager known for his integrity, sense of humor, and unwavering compassion.

Chapter 1: The New Assignment

Kazunori Honma sat behind his desk, surrounded by sketches, concept boards, and the lingering scent of fresh coffee. He was a man in his early fifties, but his youthful energy and sharp wit made him seem much younger. Today, he was reviewing an unusual project brief that had just landed on his desk. Murder Inc. had been tasked with a campaign to raise awareness about workplace harassment—an ironic assignment for a company with such a provocative name.

As Honma pondered the task, his office door creaked open, and in walked Junya Mochizuki, his long-time friend and newly hired project coordinator. Junya had recently left the corporate world in search of a more meaningful career, and Honma had been quick to offer him a place at Murder Inc.

“Junya, perfect timing!” Honma greeted him with a warm smile. “I’ve got a project that’ll make us both rethink a few things.”

Junya took a seat, curious. “What is it?”

“We’re developing a campaign to tackle workplace harassment. It’s something that’s been close to my heart, given what you’ve gone through.”

Junya nodded, appreciating the genuine concern in Honma’s eyes. “I’m ready to help however I can.”

Chapter 2: Brainstorming with Integrity

The brainstorming sessions that followed were intense yet invigorating. Honma, known for his integrity, steered the team with a clear vision: the campaign had to be honest, impactful, and respectful.

“We’re not here to sensationalize,” Honma emphasized during one meeting. “We need to tell real stories and provide real solutions. Our goal is to create a safe environment for everyone.”

Junya admired Honma’s dedication. Despite the challenging subject matter, Honma never wavered in his principles. He encouraged open dialogue and made sure everyone felt heard, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

One afternoon, as they were deep in discussion, Honma cracked a joke about the company’s name. “Who would’ve thought Murder Inc. would be the ones to champion workplace safety? We’re killing it, but in a good way!”

The room erupted in laughter, the tension easing. Honma’s sense of humor was a crucial element in maintaining team morale.

Chapter 3: Compassionate Leadership

As the campaign took shape, Honma’s compassion shone through. He insisted on including resources and support networks in their materials, ensuring that the campaign not only raised awareness but also provided help to those in need.

“We can’t just highlight the problem,” he told Junya during a late-night brainstorming session. “We need to be part of the solution.”

Honma’s approach resonated deeply with Junya, who had experienced workplace harassment firsthand. Honma had always been a pillar of support, and now, through this project, Junya saw an opportunity to pay it forward.

They worked tirelessly, creating videos, posters, and a social media strategy that highlighted personal stories of harassment and recovery. Honma made sure the content was handled with sensitivity and care, always prioritizing the well-being of those involved.

Chapter 4: Safeguarding Mochizuki

Throughout the project, Honma kept a close eye on Junya, knowing how personal this campaign was for him. One evening, as they were wrapping up, Honma noticed Junya looking particularly drained.

“Hey, Junya,” Honma called softly. “Let’s take a break. How about a port soda at Yume?”

Junya smiled, grateful for the respite. “That sounds perfect.”

At Yume, over their favorite drink, Honma opened up. “You know, Junya, I want you to know how proud I am of you. You’ve turned your experiences into something powerful, something that will help others.”

Junya felt a lump in his throat. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Kaz. You’ve been my rock through all of this.”

Honma clinked his glass against Junya’s. “To new beginnings and making a difference.”

Chapter 5: The Unveiling

The campaign launch was a success. Feedback poured in, praising the authenticity and impact of the project. Stories of individuals finding support and courage to speak up began to surface, validating the hard work the team had put in.

Honma stood before his team, pride evident in his eyes. “This campaign is more than just a project. It’s a testament to what we can achieve when we lead with integrity, humor, and compassion. And it’s just the beginning.”

As the applause filled the room, Honma caught Junya’s eye and nodded. In that moment, Junya realized how fortunate he was to have such a remarkable friend and mentor.

Epilogue: A Lasting Legacy

Kazunori Honma’s work at Murder Inc. left an indelible mark on the industry, but more importantly, it changed lives. His dedication to integrity, his sense of humor that lightened the heaviest of hearts, and his unwavering compassion made him not just a manager, but a guardian and a guide.

And for Junya Mochizuki, working alongside Honma was more than just a job—it was a journey of healing, growth, and newfound purpose. Together, they had turned a challenging topic into a powerful movement, proving that with the right support, anything was possible.

In the end, Murder Inc. did more than create a campaign—they created hope. And that was the true legacy of Kazunori Honma.

Editor’s note: this brings tears to my eyes to read. I always knew on some level Boku no Seku Hara was an abstracted version of the life I live: I identify with Kaz Honma, since I first saw the OVA in the early 2000s in Victoria, Texas. I now know: the OVA depicts a prism spectrum of operating remote, with only a handful of scenes depicting “yes, that’s Honma, yes that’s Mochizuki”, rather than “sure, those two are depicted, but that’s not really Honma, that’s not really Mochizuki”. I’d thought about this some the last few years, wrote about it a little in various mediums.

I recently turned 40. I am crying thinking about my potential 50’s.

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