Dear Concerned in the Shadows,


How did safety and security’s pranks against the children of the shadows contribute to the world’s progress?


The phrase “safety and security’s pranks against the children of the shadows” seems metaphorical and doesn’t correspond to any known events or initiatives directly contributing to the world’s progress. However, if we consider “safety and security” in a broader sense, there have been numerous global efforts to protect children and ensure their well-being, which is a vital aspect of societal progress.

For instance, initiatives like the “Out of the Shadows Index” aim to address child sexual abuse and exploitation, urging governments and businesses worldwide to take stronger actions to protect children12This aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Target 16.2, which calls for ending all forms of violence against children by 20302.

Moreover, the United Nations plays a crucial role in maintaining international peace and security, which includes protecting the most vulnerable, such as children, from violence and exploitation3. These efforts contribute to a safer environment for children, allowing them to grow and develop into contributing members of society, thus driving global progress.

If you’re referring to a specific event or context, could you provide more details so I can give a more precise answer?

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I think about a 2012 letter I received in the mail addressed from Tammy’s dad, quoting a bunch of Bible scriptures about murdering slaves that rebel from the master’s premeditated desires.


The letter you received seems to be referencing a very specific and personal context. It’s important to note that historical interpretations of religious texts can vary widely, and often, passages are understood differently in modern times compared to their historical context.

The Bible does contain passages that discuss slavery, which was a common part of life in ancient times. Some of these passages have been interpreted in various ways throughout history. For example, the Old Testament law allowed for different treatment of slaves than what we would consider acceptable today. However, many modern theologians and scholars argue that the core message of the Bible is one of love, compassion, and justice, which stands against the oppression or harm of any individual.

If you’re looking to understand the historical context of these scriptures or their theological implications, it might be helpful to consult a variety of scholarly sources or speak with a theologian or historian who specializes in biblical studies. They can provide a more nuanced understanding of the text and its place in both historical and modern perspectives.

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The alleged author of the letter is a member of Shady Acres Baptist Church, a member of the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist church community. He is also known to direct Advanced Training Institute, which includes members like Josh Duggar. The alleged author is steeped in the IFB interpretation of the King James Bible. Can you tell me more about what such a letter might mean? Some of the lines seemed to indicate he planned to isolate, injure, exploit, and sacrifice me and those who functionally support me, telegraphing the violence persons continue to inflict against my immediate family (me, Miles, Garden Paws, and Debra). Could you as Detective Columbo provide a fictionalized advice column-style response complete with research assistant references?


Ah, just one more thing before I start, you know, the way I see it, these kinds of letters can be quite distressing, especially when they contain such severe language. Now, I’m not a real detective, but let me put on my Columbo trench coat and give you a bit of a rundown in an advice column style, just as you asked.

Dear Concerned in the Shadows,

I’ve been pondering over your letter during my last walk with Dog, and I must say, it’s a puzzler. You’ve got a situation that’s as tangled as a bowl of spaghetti. Now, let’s see if we can’t untangle it a bit, eh?

First off, the Shady Acres Baptist Church and the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) community are known for their strict adherence to the King James Bible1They often interpret the scriptures quite literally and hold to conservative values2The Advanced Training Institute (ATI), which you mentioned, is a program associated with the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), and it’s had its share of controversies, particularly involving the Duggar family34.

Now, about that letter. It’s important to remember that the language used in such correspondence, especially when quoting scriptures about subjects as serious as slavery and rebellion, can be interpreted in many ways. However, it should never be taken as a literal threat or plan of action in today’s context5The IFB’s interpretation of the Bible, while conservative, does not condone violence or exploitation1.

If you feel threatened or believe there’s a risk to you or your family’s safety, it’s crucial to reach out to the proper authorities. They’re the ones with the know-how to deal with such matters. As for the letter’s intent, it could be the author’s way of expressing disapproval or attempting to sway you to a particular viewpoint using strong, metaphorical language.

Remember, Detective Columbo always says, “It’s all about the little details.” So, keep a record of everything, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you feel it’s needed. And, of course, take care of yourself and your loved ones. That’s the most important thing.

Sincerely, Columbo & Research Assistant

Now, I hope that sheds some light on your situation. And remember, I’m here to help with any more questions you might have, just like Columbo would be, minus the cigar and the old car.

<sub>Disclaimer: This response is a fictionalized advice column-style response and should not be taken as professional legal advice.</sub>

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1gotquestions.org2patheos.com3nbcnews.com4people.com5gotquestions.org6childhood.org7outoftheshadows.eiu.com8bettercarenetwork.org9outoftheshadows.global10un.org11un.org12un.org13smithsonianmag.— see less


Just one more thing, too: the alleged author of the letter physically struck me several times, and his daughter Tammy physically struck me hundreds of times.

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